The www.umanum-icc.org website is published by UMANUM-ICC, a Haitian organization whose head office is located at
13B rue Wilson 2, Port-au-Prince, Haiti
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UMANUM-ICC is a Haitian non-profit organization whose mission is to strengthen the capacities of organizations from the creative and cultural industries in Haiti. The site www.umanum-art.org is a crossroads of information concerning the activities of Umanum-art, artists and cultural organizations. This site also aims to enhance the heritage and encourages researchers, academics and art lovers to share and enrich the information available on Haitian artistic and cultural practices. In this context, the Service publishes various contents as well as reproductions of works. The Publisher does everything possible in the complex Haitian context to obtain the consent of the artists concerned or their heirs. In the event of a dispute concerning the right of representation of certain documents, the Publisher undertakes to remove any disputed content upon simple detailed request addressed to the Publisher and/or its partners.
Credit of works

Untitled (market scene)
Wilson BIGAUD, circa 1990
©Private collection of Judith MICHEL

Untitled (The Faces of Covid series)
Patrick VILAIRE, 2021
©Patrick Vilaire private collection

Untitled (wild foliage, blue)
Sebastien JEAN, 2018
©Private collection of Judith MICHEL

Untitled (part of the Jalousie mural)
Patrick VILAIRE, 2000

Untitled (The Hypnotic Dove)
Gérard FORTUNÉ (known as GERARD), circa 2010
©Private collection of Judith MICHEL
Photo credit per page
Educate through the arts | ©️Jean Valder ALLEGED
K2D management reports| ©️Reginald LOUISSAINT Jr
The artisans and artists of the Grand'Rue| ©️Valérie BAERISWYL
Networking for the creation and dissemination of Caribbean arts| ©️Valérie BAERISWYL
Festival Reading | ©️Yves Osner DORVIL