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Haiti is to be felt, lived, heard, read, and foremost, told.

Artistic and cultural practices tell a people. UMANUM promotes the diversity of cultural expressions by producing innovative content that is accessible to as many people as possible. Also aware that culture is a strong vector of awareness and reflection, the UMANUM team chooses projects that bring other discourses to light and that pose a fair look and necessary questions on social realities.

URGENCE(s) - Ijans video podcast


Like any Small Island Developing State, Haiti is doubly affected by climate change. The population lives to the rhythm of seasonal variations and frequent natural disasters. The Kolektif 2 Dimansyon (K2D) has spent years documenting these phenomena by traveling the country from end to end.

Through 5 video clips, the collective's photographers show how abstract concepts such as global warming, mining or climate migration impact the daily lives of each of the country's 13 million inhabitants.

See capsules

De Qui S'Agit-Elle? audio podcast

Suzanne Comhaire-Sylvain, Marie-Thérèse Collimon-Hall, Luce Turnier, Marie Vieux-Chauvet or Cléante Desgraves-Valcin, most of these names do not echo. And yet... these women, writers, painters, anthropologists, have worked to change thinking and mentalities not only in Haiti but also on Haiti.

Their works, conveying speeches that are far from flattering, have often been condemned, silenced or more simply forgotten. The podcast series De Qui S'Agit-Elle?, hosted by Melissa BERALUS, pays tribute to these intellectuals. It also makes it possible to give a voice to the chapter to these creators of meaning and to once again offer their thoughts to the general public.

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